Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Top Bangladeshi private university

Bangladesh has few top class government and private university. Most of university has well infrastructure in education sector. I would like to explain regardding top bangladeshi private university. IUBAT is the best private university in Bangladesh.
The overall mission for this university  is human resources development by appropriate teaching material, proper training and proper guidance as well as creation of knowledge conducive to socio- agro- economic development of developing societies in general and that of Bangladesh in particular. 

This university is founded by Prof. Dr. M Alimullah Miyan who is current honorable vice Chancellor for this university. This university has over 9000 Bangladeshi and international  students, mainly from Canada, Africa, USA, Nepal.
There are three semester in a year and maintained well structured academic calender.
This university has own campus at uttara. It has natural beauty and best private university campus in Bangladesh.
This university has huge number of  local and international faculty. These faculty are very mcuh friendly and helpful to students  .

The main and unique feature for this university is "This university has own loan system for students who is very needy".
They are intending to make digital university campus as early as possible. this university  campus is fully Wi-Fi covered zoned for all. 
Finally i would like to say that top bangladeshi private university is IUBAT

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Best private university in bangladesh for CSE

It is great pleasure to me to inform  regarding best private university in bangladesh for cse. I have analysis different universities computer science and engineering department . i have analysis different university based on few metric like :
1.Course material
2. Lab facility
3. Students colloroboration
4. Extra curriculum activities like programming contests, gaming contests etc
5. Jobs placement
7. Seminar arrangement
8. Freelancing activities.

By using these metric , i have analysis  top ranked  Bangladeshi university.  I have surprised that IUBAT has best computer science department in Bangladesh. I am going to explain iubat's computer science department based on above metric

Course Material
IUBAT has well organized course material for Computer science department . Course material has divided few part like major subject or core subject, Non-Major subject, Additional subjects. There are approximately 139 credit for this department.

Lab Facility : Lab facility is the main key feature for this department . This university has 1:1 computer facility for students . Every course has must lab works.

Students collaboration  : Students are very busy with programming and different innovative course work. They are working in different project as professional and academic purpose. IUBAT has different IT group for helping each other .

Extra  Curricula activities   : Students are busy with different programming contest . They are attending different programming contest  all over Bangladeshi university. IUBAT students arrange different inter-university gaming competition

Jobs placement : I have collected 95% students data. i found that most of the cse studetns enroll different vendor software company when they are 3rd year students or 4th year students

Freelancing activities : 
IUBAT has well organized freelaning team . Lots of students work together or inducible in different freelancing market place. They are earning dollar by using their IT skills.

By using these metric, i would like to say that IUBAT IS BEST PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN BANGLADESH FOR CSE

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Best private university in Bangladesh 2012

IUBAT is an unique English medium university in Bangladesh. This university is first established private university in Bangladeshi history. This university is located at uttara. This university has own campus beside turag  river. This university has affiliation with world class abroad university and this university is first common wealth university in Bangladesh.  There are 9000 students currently enroll different department in this university. I am going to give short brief regarding some common and unique feature for this university.

Academic Calender  : This university has 3 semester in a year. Every semester structured in well formatted.  For this reason, there is no session , even not for a day. There are well structured exam schedule which is maintained by administrative person.

Resource person  : There are over 200 faculty work together to make a knowledgeable and potential Bangladeshi youth . All faculty are well trained and most of faculty obtained abroad degree mainly form north America. All teacher are very friendly and frank.

Eligible students : IUBAT authority is very much concern regarding students quality. They are taking different enrollment test to select eligible students . They are offering different tuition weaver scheme for meritorious students  .

English Environment :   IUBAT is fully English medium private university. English is must in this university. Every course conducted by using English tools

IT Environment : IT education is very important for all level students , For this reason , students must learn IT cork when they select different non-major subjects. For this reason, students may learn different IT stuffing at very beguine. There are many IT society in this university which members are working to arrange different programming contest, gaming contest, freelancing seminar.
Transport   : IUBAT is only private university which has fully trasport faciltity from every part of dahaka city. this service is totally free for students

Campus : IUBAT has own largest campus beside turag at uttara, dhaka.

There are lots of reason for selecting IUBAT as best private university in Bangladesh