Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Best private university in bangladesh for CSE

It is great pleasure to me to inform  regarding best private university in bangladesh for cse. I have analysis different universities computer science and engineering department . i have analysis different university based on few metric like :
1.Course material
2. Lab facility
3. Students colloroboration
4. Extra curriculum activities like programming contests, gaming contests etc
5. Jobs placement
7. Seminar arrangement
8. Freelancing activities.

By using these metric , i have analysis  top ranked  Bangladeshi university.  I have surprised that IUBAT has best computer science department in Bangladesh. I am going to explain iubat's computer science department based on above metric

Course Material
IUBAT has well organized course material for Computer science department . Course material has divided few part like major subject or core subject, Non-Major subject, Additional subjects. There are approximately 139 credit for this department.

Lab Facility : Lab facility is the main key feature for this department . This university has 1:1 computer facility for students . Every course has must lab works.

Students collaboration  : Students are very busy with programming and different innovative course work. They are working in different project as professional and academic purpose. IUBAT has different IT group for helping each other .

Extra  Curricula activities   : Students are busy with different programming contest . They are attending different programming contest  all over Bangladeshi university. IUBAT students arrange different inter-university gaming competition

Jobs placement : I have collected 95% students data. i found that most of the cse studetns enroll different vendor software company when they are 3rd year students or 4th year students

Freelancing activities : 
IUBAT has well organized freelaning team . Lots of students work together or inducible in different freelancing market place. They are earning dollar by using their IT skills.

By using these metric, i would like to say that IUBAT IS BEST PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN BANGLADESH FOR CSE


  1. Are you mad mr?
    AIUB is best for CSE and Also BRAC.

    1. iubat is best mentioning the above
      clue bracu is not bad but Aiub is best
      for eee ok mad

  2. AIUB is best for CSE, no doubt

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. I want to study at IUBAT. Guys, suggest me .. how to get admission form Australia , cheers

  6. Best list of private university thanks for sharing this ranking with us.
    Government bd jobs Today
